[CS134.P1] 💻 Student Project

CS 134: Programming Fundamentals, Summer 2022

Assignment turn-in link: CANVAS TURN IN

📝 Assignment

Projects are meant to be solo effort, please try to complete it on your own. You can ask the instructor or a tutor questions if you get really stuck, but all the information you need to complete the assignment is in here, or in the related reading/lectures.

If you get stuck, please post questions in the Unit 7 'Help!' discussion board.

🔧 Setup

FIRST, from your "My Repls" page on Repl.it create a new replit project for this project. When you turn in the assignments, you will copy the URL to your project as the submission and share your work on the class discussion board.

🎁 Submitting your work

First, make sure all your programs are inside your Project folder. If they're not you can click on the three dots on the right side of the program name and click "Move".

To submit your work, navigate to the folder for your exercises on replit. Copy the URL to that directory (e.g., https://replit.com/@rsingh13?path=folder/Unit02) and paste it in here in Canvas.

Once you've turned in the assignment, make sure to also post your program in the code review assignment,

💻 Writing your project

For this assignment you will come up with a program that you want to create. You can keep the scope pretty small, you do not need to over do it! You'll also find some project suggestions if you can't think of anything.


You will need to turn in the link to your replit project, as well as post the project on the discussion board for a peer reivew.

Your program can be about anything that you'd like. Try to keep the scope small, since there is limited time. It is OK to turn in an incomplete project, as long as there is some functionality implemented and the core code requirements are met.

Code requirements:

Project ideas

You can utilize one of these ideas or use them to plan your own project.

If you have an idea but want to check that it isn't too big, you can also post in the Unit 7 'Help!' discussion board or email me!