Unit 7: Classes and Object Oriented Programming

CS 200: Concepts of Programming with C++, Summer 2022


This unit we're going to learn more about storing and organizing data in our programs. While variables can be useful for storing single bits of information, if we want data that is related to each other it is best to store that data in a struct.

💬 Discussion board

If you have any questions on this week's assignments, make sure to post in the 💬 Unit 7 help - Discussion board!

🆕 Introducing... Classes and object oriented programming

📘 Textbook chapters


🧠 Tech Literacy - Professional networking

🏋️ Exercises... Practicing with classes

💻 Project - Units 5, 6, 7

The last project of the semester! As always, make sure to look at it early so that you have enough time to figure it out!

🧑‍🏫 Check in - How did this week go?

How did this week go? Let me know!

💯 Mastery check