Quick jump: Create project | Open an existing project | Add a new file | Add an existing file | Finding your text file output/input | Finding your source files | Building your code
How to install and use Code::Blocks:
Click on the Create a new project option from the front page.
Select Empty project and click Go.
First, set your Folder to create project in. Use the ... button to navigate on your hard drive.
Make sure you put your project inside your repository folder.
Next, set the Project title. Then click Next.
Both the Debug and Release options should be selected. Click Finish at this screen.
Go to the File drop-down menu, open the New sub-menu, and select Empty file.
It will ask if you want to save the file. Select Yes and name your source file with .cpp or .h/.hpp.
Set your file's name (it must end with either .cpp or .hpp or .h, the first file should be a .cpp file). Click Save afterwards.
Make sure the file is selected for both Debug and Release and click OK.
You can build your code by going to Build and then selecting
You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+F9
to build.
It will take a short amount of time to build and the results will be displayed below in the Build log window. If there are any build errors, they will be listed in the Build messages pane.